DEMO: Unit tests
Test two esp32-cam running at the same time
The first line are the individual tests for a single esp32 cam connecting to the router. The second line is two esp32-cam connecting to the router and running at the same time:
Configure the motor setup using input commands
ESP32 Cam detecting green ball
Two-way communication between two ESP32 chip
We finished the two-way wifi communication between two esp32.
Based on our experiment two days ago, in order to easily and quickly debug our PID paramters. We need to find a good way to tune those parameters and receive the information from the blimp for debugging purposes.
In the following video, we have two esp32 feather boards. The left one is the master board and the right one is the slave board. We setup a two-way communication through peer-to-peer WiFi.
How to use this?
(1) Debugging purpose via sending back the infomation
(2) Tunning paramters via sending the commands to the blimp
(3) Transmit ML algorithm output to the slave board
Test live video from ESP32CAM with ML color detection and color threshold methods
The color threshold algorithm was tested on the live video from ESP32-cam:
This is the demo with low resolution:
This is the demo with high resolution: