ROS ready-to-go Virtual Machine System


Recently, I created a Linux VM system that pre-installed all the software for running a ROS neotic.

For beginners, this ROS ready-to-go system will be super easy to use.

To use this virtual machine, you need to install VMware first. Go the link1 link2 to download vmware if you don’t have one.

The pre-installed software includes:

  • Chrome: a powerful browser
  • Typora: the most elegant markdown editor
  • Terminator: a powerful terminal
  • Git: the most powerful version control system on earth
  • GitKraken: a git GUI
  • Clion: a powerful C developing IDE
  • Pycharm: a powerful python developing IDE
  • Anaconda family: the birthplace of Python data science
  • ROS of course
  • Gazebo: a simulator

I particularly designed a new background picture for it:

The link where you can download this ROS ready-to-go VM system(ubuntu20 with ROS noetic) is here

The link where you can download VirtualBOX_ROS Ubuntu 20 is here