Successfully demo late fusion for smart intersection
May, 2023: Demo in DC
Targeted Paper: IROS ; Important Dates:
March 1, 2023: Deadline for Paper submissions.
March 5, 2023: Deadline for Paper Video submissions.
June 30, 2023: Notification of Paper acceptance.
Challenging problems
Stage 1
Scenario: fixed vehicle Lidar + infra Lidar
To Do
- Single Lidar time synchronization with GPS
- Two Lidar time synchronization in a ideal network condition
- Time delay due to network communication
- Distortion due to objects movement (Detection + tracking)
- Bounding box for late fusion
Stage 2
Scenario: Moving vehicle Lidar + infra Lidar
To Do
- Using NDT scan matching or cooperative localization
Stage 3
Scenario: Using different V2X communication method
To Do
Time line
Tasks |
Duration |
Single Lidar time synchronization with GPS |
1 week |
11/22 |
Two Lidar time synchronization in a ideal network condition |
1 week |
11/29 |
Time delay due to network communication |
1 - 2 weeks |
12/13 |
Distortion due to objects movement (Detection + tracking) |
2 - 3 weeks |
01/10 |
Bounding box for late fusion |
2 - 3 weeks |
01/31 |
Localization + vehicle TF |
1/31 |
Debug interface in ROS version |
02/07 |
Mid fusion + tracking + input/output |
02/14 |
Get the school pipeline ready (Mid fusion) |
03/18 |
Data labeling
20000 frames for each * 2: 7 people 2-3 month
8000 late fusion -> 1.5 month
Realize F-Cooper: the simplest model
Vehicle as center instead of infra as center