Setup Gongji GPS


Step-by-step process

Step 1: connect RS422 to the computer, upload the firmware

Step2: After firmware has been upload, switch the protocol to GPRMC-protocol

Step3: Shutdown the power of GPS, unplugged the serial cable from GPS-RS422. Re-power the GPS, re-connect to serial cable. In the serial tool, you should be able to see the GPRMC signal is sending.

Step4: Use serial cable to connect with RS232.

In order to connect, you need to have a female to female cord cross converter cable.

Step5: Open Serial tool, setup BaudRate: 115200

You should be able to see:

Step 6: send out the following commands, each commands need to follow with keyboard “enter”, like this:

log comconfig

unlog gpgga

log gprmc ontime 1


To change it back:

unlog gprmc
log gpgga ontime 1

To change its BaudRate to 9600:

CONFIG COM2 9600 8 n 1