Data collection

1 Preparation

  • Two lidars

  • Two GPS: one install on the car, the other install on the intersection

  • Ladder

  • Two power source

  • Tools

  • Iron box to hold the lidar

  • Trolly, as table

  • Power outlet

2 Prerequisites

  • Time:

    • Dec. 09

    • Friday morning

  • People:

    • Zhaoliang

    • Xu Han

  • TODO:

    • Rack installed on the car

    • Lidar and GPS installed on the car

3 Experiment plan


Exp1 and Exp2 are mandatory, Exp3 and Exp4 are optional since they can be done offline as well.

Experiment 1

  • Time:

    • Dec. 13

    • 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • TODO:

    • For each laptop, we need to record their own rosbag.

    • Run roscore on laptop1 and laptop2 separately and redo the first TODO.

    • Each lidar needs to connect with GPS and synchronized.

  • Goal:

    • To mimic that we are running data on each laptop separately.

    • Find out how big is the data in rosbag, according to previous, the total rosbag is about 13.3GB/ 63s

    • Test the limitation of our power source

  • Scenarios:

    • Morning / Afternoon / Night

    • Each rosbag is about 1 min

    • Test rosbag is about 20s, conduct at least 3 test rosbag to verify everything works.

    • For each scenarios, collect at least 3 set of data, 3 mins in between.

  • Actions:

    • Record rosbag on each laptop at the same time, requires two people

    • Record the start time of power source (connected to both Lidar and GPS)

Experiment 2

  • Time:

    • Same as exp 1

  • TODO:

    • Collect some test data to adjust the tf parameters.

    • Record the mapping overall rosbag on laptop1

    • Also record unmapping rosbag on laptop2 as comparison data

    • As a comparison, record the mapping overall rosbag on laptop2 and unmapping rosbag on laptop 1

    • Record mapping on both laptop1 and laptop2

  • Goal:

    • To have a view of combined early fusion map.

    • Verify the difference between different data through put

  • Actions:

    • Run ucla_mapping to fix the tf between two lidars.

Experiment 3

  • Time:

    • Dec. 14 and Dec. 15

    • 9 AM - 9 PM

  • TODO:

    • Setup the detection algorithm on at least one laptop

    • Use online detection algorithm to detect the rosbag on both laptop1 and laptop2 separately.

  • Goal:

    • Verify the online detection algorithm

    • Verify the difference between different data throughput

  • Actions:

    • Run online 3D detection algorithm on laptop1

Experiment 4

  • Time:

    • Dec. 14 and Dec. 15

    • 9 AM - 9 PM

  • TODO:

    • Late fusion on combined map

  • Goal:

    • Prototype verification

    • Verify the late fusion whole pipeline.
